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17th to 20th December 2024

In-person & Virtual

Science City, Kolkata, India

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In partnership with

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Event organised by

The NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health and the International Academy of Nutrition Educators, in partnership with BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, are excited to announce the forthcoming "Democratising and Decolonising Food and Nutrition: From Science to Society" Summit. This Summit is dedicated to fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and collaborative approach to food and nutrition research, education, practice, and policy worldwide.  


At the heart of this Summit is the concept of enhancing global collaboration. 'Democratising' involves expanding the dialogue/conversation to include a diverse range of perspectives and viewpoints to bridge the gap between traditional knowledge systems and contemporary scientific research. We recognise the importance of integrating diverse viewpoints and expertise and are keen to establish a space where every voice is included, acknowledged and addressed. 'Decolonising' involves exploring the current food and nutrition landscape, acknowledging the historical influence of specific world regions and institutions on research directions, educational content, policy development, and clinical guidelines.


Our objective is to foster an inclusive dialogue that respects and incorporates the contributions of all stakeholders, with a particular emphasis on those from historically underrepresented regions and communities. The Summit will highlight the significance of integrating traditional, indigenous and local food practices with global nutrition science by focusing on middle-income countries and their valuable insights. This approach aims to enrich our understanding and tackle disparities within the field.  


By utilising a case-based methodology and a constructive outlook, the Summit is set to identify critical areas for growth and collaboration across the four foundational pillars of research, education, practice, and policy. Through carefully examining existing studies and successful models, we aspire to uncover strategies that promote a more inclusive, equitable approach to food and nutrition. The Summit's ultimate vision is to pave the way for a future where the global food and nutrition community works hand in hand, leveraging diverse knowledge and perspectives. This collaborative effort seeks to ensure that our collective approach to food and nutrition is informed by a wide range of voices, driving forward with inclusivity and equity at the forefront, effectively bridging the gap between science and society. 


In line with the nine Summits preceding this event, all proceedings of our 10th Summit, including submitted and successful abstracts, will continue to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. 

Bringing together expert speakers from across 6 continents

Plenary sessions and interactive panel with key opinion leaders on global systems 


Scientific poster competition, workshops & 

networking opportunities

As a delegate of the NNEdPro Summit you are entitled to a 20% discount on the cost of publishing an article in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health

Summit Programme

The NNEdPro International Summit on Food, Nutrition and Health is a leading annual scientific meeting. The 2023 Summit considered ‘Sustainable Resourcing For All In Food & Nutrition Security: Creative solutions for healthy & resilient populations’, which highlighted the need to consider the inequities that exist within the food and nutrition landscape, leading us to fully explore the theme of ‘Democratising and Decolonising Food and Nutrition: From Science to Society’ in 2024.

The hybrid pre-summit workshop and roundtable discussion took place in Belfast on 1st July 2024. Our main Summit event, also in a hybrid format, will be held in Kolkata, India, from 17th to 20th December. These events will bring together the collective views of our regional networks spanning over 65 countries as well as a multitude of organisations, giving even wider geographical and disciplinary coverage.

Registration includes access to plenary sessions, interactive panel discussions and abstract presentations showcasing work from all NNEdPro Regional Networks and key collaborators, with 40+ hours of engaging content! The event will also be recorded.

Click on the photos below to learn more about the chairs, theme leaders, and speakers for this year's Summit.

International Summit Co-Chairs

International Summit Theme Leaders

Regional Summit Theme Leaders

Summit Organisers 

*From May 24, 2024, Harmanpreet has successfully taken on a substantive role at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and continues to collaborate with NNEdPro in a voluntary officer role.

Summit Contributions from NNEdPro & IANE Members and Regional Networks

NNEdPro and IANE have over 700 members within the Virtual Core and the International Collaborators Group, all of whom are invited to contribute to the Summit. Leads from our 10 Regional Networks will also speak at the Summit events.

The Venue

The Venue: Science City, Kolkata, India

The main Summit event will be held from 17th to 20th December 2024 in the City of Kolkata, India. You can learn more about the venue here. Whilst we cannot advise on visa and other travel requirements, you can find useful links in the FAQ section.




17th to 20th December 2024. In-person & Virtual. Science City, Kolkata, India.

Past Events


1st July 2024. Ulster University City Campus, Belfast, Northern Ireland.


3rd July 2024. Ulster University City Campus, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Abstracts Submission

Our call for abstracts is now open! We are currently accepting abstracts that align with the theme of this year's Summit or any scientific topic related food, nutrition and health. Abstracts relevant to the themed BMJ NPH Special Collections can also be submitted. 


Accepted abstracts will have the opportunity to be published in the open-source journal BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health.



To deliver an engaging Summit experience for presenters and attendees, authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a short video (3 to 5 minutes) presenting their work. Abstract presentations will also be entered into our Abstract Competition.

You are required to register for the Summit in order to have your abstract reviewed. If your abstract is rejected and you no longer wish to attend the Summit, we will process a refund of your registration fee.


  • Abstract submission and registration deadline: 8th October 2024

  • Abstract notification: 28th October 2024

  • Video submission: 20th November 2024

  • Summit event and announcement of abstract competition winners: 17th to 20th December 2024


World Food Forum Partnership


We are thrilled to announce that the partnership between the NNEdPro Global Institute, our associate academy IANE, our esteemed journal, BMJ NPH, and the World Food Forum (WFF) hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) will continue for the 2024 NNEdPro-IANE International Summit on Food, Nutrition and Health.

Following November 2023 the WFF global event in Rome, recipients of the WFF Transformative Research Challenge (TRC) awards were granted scholarships to join IANE. Additionally, the winning abstracts will be featured in the 2023 Summit Proceedings, which will be peer-reviewed and published in BMJ NPH. You can learn more about the event here.


Professor Sumantra Ray, the NNEdPro Chair, is honoured to continue his role as a mentor for the WFF TRC for a fourth year.


Frequently Asked Questions



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