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NNEdpro-iane USA Regional


Launched on July 28, 2019: The NNEdPro-IANE USA Regional Network is a collaboration of dietitians, doctors, academics, medical and health care educators, researchers students and professional associations in the United States of America.

Key Aims

Enabling knowledge exchange between the US and I-KANN-25

Advocating the prioritisation of nutrition capacity building in the US healthcare system

Pilot the NNEdPro Mobile teaching Kitchen Project for marginalised populations in the USA

Implement and evaluation potential international models of nutrition education in the USA

Launch Event

Read our blog post!

Steering Committee

interested parties


Abdullah Mawas

Aimee Afable

Alice Benskin

Aliza Stark

Alka Gupta

Arshan Goudarzi

Brenda Bohn

Carine Lenders

Charlotte Pratt

Cindy Munkhgerel

Dan Maunder

Danvy Truong

Dar Yoffe

David Sharp

Dorothy Nankanja

Elizabeth Helzner

Eloisa Trinidad

Emmanuel Baah

Emily Johnston

Emily Katz

​Esther Appiah-Yeboah

Golbahar Yazdanifar

Grigorina Mitrofan

Gwen Twillman

Hsiao-Liang Pai

Hung Nguyen Ngoc

Isobel Contento

Jasia Steinmetz

Jeffrey Bohn

Jen Shamro

Jessica Carmila John

Jessica Daly

Jie Zhu

Juliet Vickar

Kate Burbank

Kathaleen Briggs Early

Kathleen Duemling

Lisa Goldberg

Margarita Taran-Garcia

Maria Korre

Mariana Markell

Marilyn S. Edwards

Melina Jampolis

Neha Kumar

Nicole Brandt

Nicole Farmer

Norbert Goldfield

Nouira Mohamed Salah

Olivia Lawler

Pao-Hwa Lin

Patricia Mogrovejo

Paula Littlejohn

Rachel Daeger

Randy Pothen

Rasarie Wimalana

Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Rudel

Robert Hay

Robert Neda

Rory Langan

Saad Mouti

Samuel Degenhard

Scott Nichols

Shakuntala Thilsted

Shivani Bhat

Terri Stone

Tiffany Powell-Wiley

Tirna Purkait

Travis Masterson

Virginia (Ginnie) Uhley

Virginie Zoumenou

Zola Ndondita

Zorita Sconta

Zubaida Qamar

The Regional Networks are overseen by Advisory and Facilitation Panels.

NNEdPro would like to recognise and thank Helena Trigueiro for her services as  Global Strategic Lead for 2020-21.


​NNEdPro would like to recognise and thank Niky Raja for her services as Operations and Strategy Digital Officer for 2020-21.

Terms of reference

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