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From the Desk of the NNEdPro Chair: May 2019

Writer's picture: NNEdPro Global InstituteNNEdPro Global Institute

Since my last update in March, we have been busy over April conducting membership surveys, an operations review, launching NEPHELP, preparing for summer events and preparing to form a UK Regional Network and Coalition of key organisations with a common vision around the implementation of Nutrition in health systems, as well as taking our first steps into Latin America!


As part an internal membership refresh for 2019, we have contacted NNEdPro members in all categories to complete a short email survey. From May we expect to move forward with a fully involved membership for the remainder of the calendar year. If you have not done so already, please do respond the membership survey and do let us know your thoughts on attending / contributing to one or more of this year’s summer events.

Also as part of an in-depth operations review we have determined that following our peak activity in July we will consolidate over August, followed by a 4-6 month period of resetting our programme areas and re-prioritising projects / initiatives within these.

This transformation process will be informed by our internal Global Strategy Workshop on 10th July and will lead us into a new strategic plan with effect from March 2020.

Alongside our housekeeping activities we have also launched the first episode of the NEPHELP (Nutrition Education Policy for Healthcare Practice) roadshow through our pilot at the BMJ conference in Glasgow and the first edition of Foundation Doctor training in Brighton. This will soon be followed by further episodes in four other areas of the NHS.

We are also in the process of forming a UK Regional Network and Coalition of key organisations with a common vision around implementation of Nutrition in health systems, and further details will be announced at our Summit on 11th July.

Preparations for our Summer Events in July are in full swing and we are also delighted to have launched our Membership Scheme of the International Academy of Nutrition Educators with a linked introductory e-learning package in Nutrition and Healthcare.

Finally, for now, we are poised and ready for our entry to Latin America through key participation in the Bett Educar Expo as well as a series of associated educational events in Sao Paulo in mid-May which will officially launch the NNEdPro Network in Brazil.

Very best wishes,

Professor Sumantra (Shumone) Ray (NNEdPro Founding Chair and Executive Director)

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