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Join date: Apr 20, 2023


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As a PhD researcher at Ulster University and the research group NICHE, my research explores the intricate relationship of polyphenols, primarily flavan-3-ols, commonly found in berries and cocoa, and their pivotal role in modulating cardiovascular health. My investigations involve conducting human clinical trials where I employ non-invasive and gold-standard techniques such as flow-mediated dilation and optical coherence tomography to assess both macro-vascular and micro-vascular endothelial function. Additionally, this project collaborates with the University of Parma to quantify the circulating polyphenols and their colonic-microbiota-derived metabolites using UHPLC. This interdisciplinary effort, supported by industrial collaborators, bridges research and practical applications, aiming to contribute valuable insights to the field of cardiovascular science.

BrianÓg Murphy


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