Melissa Adamski, MND, BSc., APD
For many of us, 2020 was a challenging year – both professionally and personally as we all adapted to new routines and ways of working. Online learning and teaching became the norm and for IANE it was no different.
2020 saw a number of firsts for IANE as we not only navigated new ways of working and collaboration but also launched a number of new services and opportunities for members. I was delighted to see:
The Summer School and International Summit delivered completely online throughout the month of September through a series of webinars and events.
More than 40 participants in the Summer School from around the world.
Launch of new IANE member benefits including journal club and webinars.
I am really proud of what IANE accomplished during 2020. I am excited and optimistic that we will continue growing and delivering high-quality nutrition education to our members in 2021. We are currently working on launching the IANE awards and fellowships, which will recognise the outstanding contributions to nutrition education by our faculty, student, and professional members. In fact, in this edition of the newsletter, we are announcing our inaugural IANE fellows 2021, selected from our Faculty and IANE steering committee members. We congratulate them on their fellowships and look forward to having them help guide the IANE. We are also working towards the 2021 International Summit which will be held in July, with registrations opening soon - I hope to see many of you attend!